Stimulus overdose, Burnout Syndrome and overcoming it through physical exercise

  • Emerson Mildenberg
  • Mário Batista Marinho


This article aims to demonstrate that technological growth, while on the one hand it is significant and valuable, on the other hand it becomes harmful and detrimental to mental health, also affecting people's professional lives. Excessive “consumption” of technology can increase the risk of mental disorders by triggering different negative emotions, causing psychological distress and functional impairments in personal and professional life. It is a fact that we are in a flourishing moment of all times, but we cannot ignore problems in cognitive processing, at the same time that people are required to deal with the overload of data and information. Seeking alternatives to improve quality of life in order to mitigate the risks of cardiovascular diseases, low immunity, as well as emotional disorders, is benign, useful and brilliant.

Author Biographies

Emerson Mildenberg

Coordenador do Curso de Bacharelado em Psicanálise Clínica – UniFil

Mário Batista Marinho

Profissional de Educação Física.

How to Cite
Mildenberg, E., & Marinho, M. (2024). Stimulus overdose, Burnout Syndrome and overcoming it through physical exercise. Revista Terra & Cultura: Cadernos De Ensino E Pesquisa, 40(77), e3003. Retrieved from