Most important nutraceuticals used to treat aging of the skin

  • Julia da Silva Mártire
  • Franciele Cruz Rocker dos Santos
  • Mylena Cristina Dornellas da Costa
  • Rosália Hernandes Fernandes Vivan


Aging is a natural process, continuous and complex, caracterized by alterations of the functions and organs structure. In this process the degradation of organism occur all together, making it more vulnerable to outside sourses. This process is divided in intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic aging, is also known as chronologic and truthful; natural and inevitable. The extrinsic aging, also known as photoaging, it’s the speed form influencied by excess work, stressful routine, bad nutrition and poluiton. The fear of aging always attacked the human being, waking up the pharmaceutical companys to search constantly for anti aging formulas. This way we can count on the help of nutraceuticals to improve the quality of life and consequently, treat and/or prevent extrinsic skin aging.

Author Biographies

Julia da Silva Mártire

Acadêmica da Graduação em Estética e Cosmética, Unifil, Londrina- PR

Franciele Cruz Rocker dos Santos

Enfermeira, Especialista em Estética e Cosmetologia, Docente do Curso Superior de tecnologia em Estética, Unifil

Mylena Cristina Dornellas da Costa

Farmacêutica, Mestre em Biotecnologia, Especialista em Cosmetologia e Farmacologia, Coordenadora e Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética do Centro Universitário Filadélfia - Unifil, Londrina PR.

Rosália Hernandes Fernandes Vivan

Farmacêutica, Mestre e Docente do curso superior em Estética e Cosmética do centro Universitário Filadélfia – (Unifil), Londrina – Paraná

How to Cite
Mártire, J., Santos, F., Costa, M., & Vivan, R. (2024). Most important nutraceuticals used to treat aging of the skin. Revista Terra & Cultura: Cadernos De Ensino E Pesquisa, 40(especial), 308-327. Retrieved from

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