Risks associated with make-up procedures and biosafety conduct

  • Alison de Lima Santos
  • Franciele Cruz
  • Célia Regina Góes Garavello
  • Rosália Hernande Fernandes Vivan


Biosafety must be included in the daily practice of the makeup artist to prevent and minimize biological risks that can compromise the health of the client's professional and the environment, thus contributing to the professionalization of the beauty area. This study aimed to identify in the literature the risks associated with makeup procedures and describe the biosafety practices that should be adopted to minimize biological risks. The transmission of microorganisms can occur through instruments, dirty brushes, contaminated sponges and the makeup products themselves, when professionals make use of products and instruments without proper hygiene and disinfection. The use of biosafety is of paramount importance at the time of makeup to minimize most of the biological risks, thus, the use of disposable materials, PPE, such as masks, gloves, goggles, cap, combined with good hygiene of the materials and especially hands will result in quality work with minimized risks. These professionals, when adopting biosafety behaviors, insert ethical behaviors and a new attitude into their professional practice, in which they assume responsibilities for minimizing risks of different natures, providing safety and well-being to the client throughout the makeup procedure. The need to disseminate safe practices in the application of facial makeup shows that makeup artists must be prepared not only in their art of beautifying, but also be trained in the knowledge of how to avoid or minimize the risks associated with their profession.

Author Biographies

Alison de Lima Santos

Discente do Curso de Estética e Cosmética do Centro Universitário Filadélfia - UniFil, Londrina PR

Franciele Cruz

Especialista Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética

Célia Regina Góes Garavello

 Mestre Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética

Rosália Hernande Fernandes Vivan

Mestre Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética

How to Cite
Santos, A., Cruz, F., Garavello, C., & Vivan, R. (2023). Risks associated with make-up procedures and biosafety conduct. Revista Terra & Cultura: Cadernos De Ensino E Pesquisa, 39(especial), 118-133. Retrieved from http://periodicos.unifil.br/index.php/Revistateste/article/view/3014/2777

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