Proposal for biosafety protocol for manual lymphatic drainage in the post-surgery of aesthetic surgeries

  • Poliana Wroblevski da Silva
  • Roberta Chaves Penco Amorese
  • Célia Regina Góes Garavello


The biosafety conducts applied to personal services have become of great importance to minimize the risks to the health of professionals and clients. Thus, good practices must be included in the various aesthetic procedures, including the manual lymphatic drainage technique performed in the postoperative period of cosmetic surgeries. The risks are present in the post-operative period, when the patient is seen by professionals who are unaware of the biosafety rules for the area of ​​aesthetic health. Aesthetic therapies are today great allies in promoting the well-being and health of patients and the therapeutic use of manual lymphatic drainage in the postoperative period has been one of the alternatives chosen for contributing to a faster recovery of the patient. The aim of this study was to propose a biosafety protocol for the application of this therapy in the postoperative period of cosmetic surgery, to this end, a literature search was carried out between 2010 and 2020 in sources such as Scielo, Google Scholar and Capes journals. The bibliographic review showed a lack of publications describing the good practices applied to aesthetic procedures performed in the postoperative period. As there is a lack of evidence on the specific risks involved in aesthetic services and the magnitude of these risks, it seemed to be of great practical applicability to develop standardized procedures on how to perform post-operative manual lymphatic drainage, respecting hygienic-sanitary standards, avoiding contamination associated with the procedure itself, the environment and considering, mainly, patient and professional safety.

Author Biographies

Poliana Wroblevski da Silva

Discente do Curso de Estética e Cosmética do Centro Universitário Filadélfia - UniFil, Londrina PR

Roberta Chaves Penco Amorese

Especialista Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética

Célia Regina Góes Garavello

Mestre Docente do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Estética e Cosmética.

How to Cite
Silva, P., Amorese, R., & Garavello, C. (2023). Proposal for biosafety protocol for manual lymphatic drainage in the post-surgery of aesthetic surgeries. Revista Terra & Cultura: Cadernos De Ensino E Pesquisa, 39(especial), 98-117. Retrieved from

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