Diaconal function of the church in society: for a serving church

  • Marcos Joaquim Silva Isidoro UniFil
  • Oslei do Nascimento UniFil
  • Sérgio Adriano Ribeiro UniFil
  • Leandro Henrique Magalhães UniFil


This research has as general objective to describe the reactions, from the academic and social point of view, about the diaconal function of the church in society, pointing out in three ways its diaconal function, dealing with the missional function, social service and prophetic development through teaching of the Holy Scriptures. A bibliographic survey of renowned authors was carried out, such as Eli Bento Corrêa, Hernandes Dias Lopes, Arival Dias Casimiro, John Piper, Russell P. Shedd, Timothy Keller, as well as documents such as the Tyndale Biblical Dictionary, Ultimato Publisher, a Presbyterian Agency for Transcultural Missions (APMT) and Bibles with different versions (New Transforming Version, João Ferreira de Almeida, among others). It also presents a field research through interviews observing the challenges and expectations in the investigated data, both in the theoretical field and in the practice of the church in society.

How to Cite
Isidoro, M., Nascimento, O., Ribeiro, S., & Magalhães, L. (2022). Diaconal function of the church in society: for a serving church. Revista Terra & Cultura: Cadernos De Ensino E Pesquisa, 38(especial), 213-230. Retrieved from http://periodicos.unifil.br/index.php/Revistateste/article/view/2502/2100

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